Today I want to go through a bunch of related questions having to do with being “too late.” Maybe you didn’t start your instrument until high school, but you’re considering …
Trombone Mouthpiece Sizes Explained
This is one of the most overwhelming topics in low brass playing. Most people play on one or two instruments over the course of their life, but mouthpieces are much …
Are Tuba and Euphonium the Same?
I know. That’s quite the silly question to most of us, but how many euphonium players out there have been at a party and tried to explain the difference only …
What’s the Best Valve Oil for Tuba?
There’s no easy answer to this question. Every person and instrument is different. You’re going to have to experiment until you find something that works for you. But this article will go through what the main differences are so that you can make a more informed decision.